von Tessa Mellinger
April 21, 2021
Real regional and sustainable: Plateau products from the region
It doesn't get any more regional, sustainable and delicious than this: our producers make genuine Plateau products with a lot of love, passion and natural know-how. This is how unique and particularly good products are created. Sweet honey, delicious syrup, handmade teas, soothing tinctures, diverse pasta creations - all this and much more is produced by the farmers and beekeepers in our region. But where can you get all these products? Quite simple: directly in our regional shelf! We introduce you to the producers of the shelf in more detail.
More than just a trend: regionality and rethinking towards sustainability
Even before Corona, a trend was making itself felt that experienced a whole new boom during the crisis: people want more regionality and more sustainability again. Local products from local businesses always enjoy the greatest popularity. Fortunately, all this is not a short-term trend in our region, but a philosophy that our farmers and beekeepers have always lived by. That's why you can find so many regional producers in our region, who produce the best products with years of knowledge and creativity. Especially Leutasch is known for its many farms and regionality, but also in all other places there are many beekeepers and farmers with passion.

Ferdis Beekeeping
The industrious bees of Ferdi's Beekeeping are at home in the mountains of Tyrol: up to 2,000 meters above sea level they are on the move - with "high-altitude permission", so to speak. In doing so, they collect valuable ingredients from rare plants on the mountain and alpine meadows. The young beekeeper Ferdi processes these with much heart blood to genuine nature products. Through a chef friend, Ferdi found his fascination and love for nature and bees and has now been a certified beekeeper for several years. Together with his girlfriend and dog Audax, they take care of their swarm of bees and at the same time fight against bee mortality. So Ferdi also takes care of the reproduction of queen bees and the formation of young colonies. He has one principle: He wants to give more back to nature through his work than he takes from it. This applies not only to the bees and beekeeping, but also to all operational processes, which he designs to be as organic and ecological as possible. In this way, Ferdi and his girlfriend make a huge contribution to the fact that we can not only enjoy the best bee products, but also that the meadows and alpine pastures in the entire region blossom every year in a particularly magnificent and beautiful variety.
Would you have known that?
- 1 bee would have to fly around the earth 7 times for 1 kg of honey
- For 1 kg must visit about 14,000,000 flowers
- The winter bee lives up to 8 months, the summer bee works itself to death in 6 weeks
- One queen can lay up to 2,500 eggs a day
You can find these products from Ferdi's Beekeeping, among others, on the Regions shelf:
Ferdi's spring cream honey, MET vinegar, propolis hand cream, honey shower gel (and much more).

The Wirtseppelerhof is situated in the most idyllic location at the entrance to the Gaistal. Here there is plenty of sunshine, nature, space and real peace and quiet - in other words, the ideal conditions for an organic farm. This is what Simone and Mathias Neuner have been running for years with passion and a special philosophy: everything they do should be sustainable, nature should not be harmed. According to this guideline, the Wirtsepplerhof manages the suckler cow husbandry and the agriculture with potato and vegetable fields. The herb garden is a very special highlight on the farm: here Simone, as a trained herbalist, has created her own realm. She knows exactly which plant helps for which ailment and what can be done with it. The best herbs are allowed to grow far and wide without the addition of harmful fertilizers or sprays. Simone later processes them into handmade teas, bitter tinctures, vinegars, spices and much more. In her lovingly run farm store, which is open 24 hours, you can find her herbal products as well as homemade farmhouse bread, meat from the farm, herbal pillows, greeting cards and much more.
By the way, Simone herself did not reckon with the fact that she would one day become a farmer. The trained business data processing specialist landed on the farm more by happy coincidence. It takes a lot of courage to actually run the organic farm as a full-time business - Mathias and Simone nevertheless took the plunge and won. You can read their whole story and Simone's best tips for your own herb garden here!
The Wirtseppelerhof in Leutasch:
- is a 3-generation farm and organic farm in full
- is home to 8 cows and their calves, a horse, rabbits, pigs, hens and cats, all of which enjoy plenty of freedom and exercise
- offers an organic herb garden
You will find these products from Wirtseppelerhof, among others, on the Regions shelf:
Different varieties of handmade organic tea, syrups, herbal salt and spices, herbal vinegar, bitter tinctures and much more.
Far up in Leutasch, at the foot of the iconic Hohe Munde, lies the Zottlhof and its namesake inhabitants: the highland cattle. Regina and Bernhard Wolf have been running the farm for over 10 years. It all started with 3 cattle, which soon grew into a large herd. Everything is self-bred and with a lot of time, patience and calmness - because these are Regina's principles. On the farm everything runs in the cycle of nature and the seasons. The Zottl are allowed to spend the summer high up on the alpine pasture, the winter in the open stable, thanks to their thick fur they defy any snow and even icy cold. A special highlight is in spring, when the Zottl are allowed to go out onto the big pasture again for the very first time: with joyful jumps and lots of energy they leap out of the stable into freedom. A sight that gives Regina goose bumps every year and makes her heart soar.
At the Zottlhof, there are stable tours for anyone who wants to get to know the Zottl better. Regina also runs her own small but very fine farm store with the Zottl's own products.
The Zottl on the Zottlhof:
- owe their name to their fur: the "shaggy" fur is their trademark
- have horns that can span up to 1.60 m and help them forage in the snow in winter
- have a very gentle and good-natured character
- were bred in own breeding. Highland cattle are a breed that have not been further bred for either milk or meat performance
- are allowed to spend the summer on the mountain pasture from June to September
You will find these products from Zottlhof on the Regions shelf:
Hay-scented flower syrup, flower vinegar, and s'Kräuterle (flower liqueur)
Enjoyment tips for a hay-scented taste experience:
Flower vinegar: goes best with fresh salads & sour delicacies
Hay-scented flower syrup: infused with Prossecco as a refreshing aperitif
S'Kräuterle: for digestion for a good stomach feeling

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